Friday, May 11, 2007

9 Easier Ways to Start Losing Weight Today

Let's face it, weight loss isn't always super easy. But using the 9 steps below, I'm confident you can start to lose weight easier than ever before. So let's jump right in...

1. Take it slowly

Ever heard the expression "eat an elephant one bite at a time?" or "Rome wasn't built in a day?"

Well, weight loss is the same way. As difficult as it is to accept, you can't work out just once or say no to a brownie just once and wake up the next day 50 pounds lighter with a rock hard stomach!

However, that's not to say that you can't lose weight quickly. You can, just not immediately.

So it's best to just start substituting one for one. This is something I did and it worked great for me. Just once a day, I would substitute my regular brownie/cookie/small bag of chips for some kind of vegetable or fruit.

Then I moved it to two a day. And pretty soon I was really starting to enjoy eating fruits and veggies, and it became a habit.

2. Get an accountability partner

No matter what you're trying to do, things always work better when you have someone to support you, and give you a kick in the butt when you need it. Finding someone who also wants to lose weight is even better. What works best for most people (especially those who are very competitive) is to have a contest or bet for who loses the most weight in a specified period of time.

3. A little less carbs goes a long way

No, you don't have to stop eating carbs completely. You don't have to start some fad diet where you can only eat meat and that's it. All you have to do is stop eating so many empty starchy foods like pastas and white bread. You will see a difference.

And always keep rule #1 in mind. If you can't fathom not eating bread at all - simply make it wheat bread instead.

4. Make a commitment

Many times, simply making a commitment and setting a specific goal is sometimes the push your subconscious needs to get things done. The more specific the goal, the more effective it will be. Something like "I will lose at least 45 pounds by May 15th." is perfect. Then, put it up on your fridge or somewhere where it'll be seen every day.

5. Stop drinking soda

You wouldn't even believe how much of a difference this makes. My best friend commited to not drinking soda for 40 days for religious reasons - and after the 40 days she had lost 15 pounds - without changing any of her other diet or exercise habits!

6. Find out what "good stuff" you like

I don't know about you, but I've never been much of a veggie or..."fruitie" lover. As a kid, my dad was a pushover and never made me eat anything I didn't want. So it was really hard for me to stop eating cookies and start eating vegetables...until I figured out there were some that actually tasted good!

So the trick is to find out which ones you like. If you don't like any, figure out which ones you can tolerate - and chow down on em' until you grow to like it. Sounds crazy, but it actually works. Take it from someone who used to despise vegetables.

7. Drink water throughout the day.

I cannot stress the importance of this enough. So don't take my word for it. Dr. Howard Flaks, a bariatric (obesity) specialist in Beverly Hills, Calif, says, "By not drinking enough water, many people incur excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and muscle soreness and water retention."

Yes, water retention. As in bloating. The truth is, when you don't drink enough water, your body retains water to compensate for it.

Numerous doctors all over the world stress the importance of drinking water to aid in weight loss. Fat burning is a dehydrating process, and your body needs water in order to efficiently burn calories and lose body fat.

8. Sometimes there is such thing as "good enough"

Alright, I'm sure a lot of weight loss "gurus" are going to disagree with me on this one, but I don't care. When it comes to eating veggies, dipping them in ranch dressing is not completely sabatoging your efforts.

Sure, it'd be more healthy and less fattening than without dressing - but the way I see it - and this is strictly my opinion, but a carrot with ranch dressing on it is a whole heck of a lot better than a bowl of sugary, fattening ice cream covered in chocolate syrup and topped with fattening whipped cream!

I mean, come on. If you just can't handle choosing a plain carrot over a banana split - give yourself a break and at least let yourself have the dip!

9. Get rid of all easily excessible junk food.

When you go to the store, make sure you are not hungry and DO NOT buy any junk food at all. Then, when you're getting a craving - knowing you'll have to leave the house to get it will make it harder, and you'll be less likely to give in. And if you have a 7-11 and an ice cream place right next to your house like I do - blindfold yourself every time you step outside. ;o)

Now get out there and just do it!

Would you be interested in learning how New York Times best selling author Kevin Trudeau lost over 45 pounds in just 6 short weeks? You'll get information about his new book The Weight Loss Cure, by visiting

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The Weight Loss Mindset - How to Never Have a Problem Losing Weight Again

Have you ever looked to see if there could be more to weight loss than the food you eat or the diet you follow? Could it be that our mindset and beliefs about weight loss is what either allows us to quickly shed pounds or barely make any progress at all? This article is going to reveal a major factor in weight loss success and how to harness it for maximum advantage. Let’s get started.
You may have met people who hold the belief that weight loss is very easy. They have an optimistic outlook on losing weight and the activities required to succeed. Tell me, do these people usually get results or not. I have noticed that they do. Now look at a person who is resentful about having to lose weight and one who takes a negative attitude toward dieting and exercise. They look at it like it’s a burden that they should not have to carry. What kind of results do these people usually get? I have noticed that they are able to go for years without making any serious ground.
This points to something very powerful. Our thoughts and feelings prompt us to take certain actions. If your thoughts are positive they will tell you that dieting is easy and exercise is fun. If they are negative they will resent having to lose weight and will make everything seem overwhelming and difficult. These different thinking patterns will certainly yield different actions and different results. Don’t you think?
The trick is to notice any negative thought that arises and see what it is doing to you. Does it make you want to eat fattening food? Does it tell you to skip your workout routine? Now ask yourself, does this thought have my best interest at heart? The answer will almost always be a resounding no. By asking yourself this question the thought will lose its power to control your actions. You will be free to make your own choices and do as you see fit. This is the beginning of rapid weight loss that feels effortless.
As often as you can, try to notice the thoughts arising in your mind that feel even the slightest bit negative. Look deeply to see what they really bring into your life. This will reveal the truth and make weight loss easy. Start now and results are not far away.
Tired of ineffective diets that waste your time and money? Find out about a diet guaranteed to deliver staggering results in record time. Weight loss doesn’t have to be hard. Discover the secrets that will let you experience results like never before. Click on Kimkins to learn more. Receive the hottest tips on how to lose weight and keep it off here:
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7 Tips To "Build Muscle, Weight Loss"

Alright guys (and gals). Before I proceed I'd like to make one thing clear. Probably anyone who has the thoughts of "Build Muscle, Weight Loss" will be thinking of these 2 things:
1. The so-called "magic pills" which lets you eat anything you want and sleeping all day, all night but you still can Build Muscle, Weight Loss.
2. All the headlines you always read at the ads "Lose Weight Fast" and "Build Muscle" which claims they will get you to achieve "Build Muscle, Weight Loss" FAST.
Well, if you do.. then I suggest you to STOP AND THROW AWAY ALL THOSE THOUGHTS because..
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Greatest Fact:
There Is ABSOLUTELY No Way To Lose Fat VERY Fast. But, You Can Lose Fat At A Faster Rate Through Proper Training Methods.
And the tips I'm giving to help you "Build Muscle, Weight Loss" is not the ones that "desperate" people use, such as being at the gym and at the same time starving A WHOLE DAY. That's not healthy.
Got that? Good. Now let's get down to business.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #1
Count Your Calories
Alright.. It's simple. Count how many calories you're eating today. Be specific. Don't lie to yourself. Good. Starting from tomorrow, eat LESS calories then you ate today. Preferably around 450 - 500 calories less.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #2
Divide Your Meals, Have Proper Diet
Try having a small meal in every 2-3 hours time rather than the usual 3 big meals a day. This speeds up your metabolism rate. Thus, fats burned. Emphasis on protein in your diet, because they are the ones which help you build your muscles.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #3
Do some workout, preferably cardio. Cardio exercise is important for weight loss. Do them according to your needs. For a start, do it 3 days per week, 30 minutes per day.
Weight training helps much too. They not only build muscle, they also help your fat burning process.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #4
Avoid "Bad" Fat
Yeah, sorry about this, but all those candies, cookies, fried food (which are all saturated fats) MUST GO. Food cravings? Well, you give in to food cravings, you're getting your weight (and waist) up. YOUR CHOICE. TOUGHEN UP YOUR MINDSET.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #5
Drink Lots Of Water
This is the part where people usually neglect. Drink LOTS of water. Half a gallon or more. Spread it throughout the day like you do to your meals. This speeds up your weight loss and gives you energy.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #6
Another part where people usually neglect. Some of the best ways to lose weight is actually to have enough SLEEP! 8 hours a day is sufficient. Don't sleep too much, don't sleep too less. Just nice.
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" Tip #7
Monitor Your Progress
Monitoring your progress is a MUST to help you see how you're progressing, what can be done, and what's not. When you see that you're losing weight, that will DEFINITELY be a moral booster for you! If you do this right, you should see a loss of 1-2 pounds (losing too much is unhealthy) by the end of this week!
"Build Muscle, Weight Loss" MONSTER Tip
Join A Training Program which will help you in losing your weight and building your muscle. Avoid those that claims "LOSE WEIGHT VERY FAST". Find the ones that will help you to "Lose Weight At A Faster Rate" and requires you to "Work Hard To Achieve It". Remember, you cannot lose weight (or faster) without working for it.
Alright everyone.. So.. Get your lazy *** off now and go do your stuff! Good luck! =
A trainer.
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Is There A Magical Weight Loss Cure?

First, let us accept it. There is no magical weight loss cure, except the one that is time tested and effective, which is a proper healthy lifestyle with suitable diet and exercise. Instant weight loss programs, magical alternative medicine, low-carbohydrate, low-fat or low-calorie diets, the use of a plethora of tools and appliances that work on the various fatty parts of your body and so on, may all work to a certain extent, for a short term. But they fail to bring about a permanent weight loss. Besides, they may almost always produce avoidable side effects.
Obese people all over the world are searching in vain for a magical formula for a quick weight loss, without effort and without giving up their favorite foods. The weight loss product market is booming. Books giving advice on promising ways to reduce weight are being sold like hot cakes. ‘New’ techniques, methods, strategies, drugs, diets, herbal medicines and so on are aggressively promoted through advertisements in the media. Quite often, they claim the support of scientific research, giving facts and figures to prove their case. Being desperate to get a magical remedy for weight loss, most people empty their purses in the belief that this time it will work. It simply does not work, not for long in any case. So people keep shifting their loyalties from one weight loss product to another new weight loss product, only to discover in the end that their purses are getting leaner while their bodies continue to get fatter and weightier. Even if they lose some weight initially, they see it return with a vengeance, as soon as they stop using that particular weight loss product.
Next to tobacco, obesity and diseases caused by obesity are probably the most common cause of unnatural death. These deaths can however be prevented if obesity has an easy solution. These days, when technological advances have freed man from hard physical labor, no one wants to expend energy to lose weight. Also, at the same time, no one wants sincerely to give up on consuming all those processed foods, alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks and ice creams and other weight-increasing products. Everyone who is overweight wants to lose weight and live long, which is quite natural. But they want an easy solution to their weight problem, something like a magic switch that changes one into zero - that too with a remote operation.
There is only one effective long-term weight loss remedy and that is the tried and tested regular physical exercise coupled with appropriate balanced diet. If you are not accustomed to the recommended regimen, you may have to make suitable lifestyle changes. Depending upon your age and the condition of your physical health, you will have to select the type of physical exercise that is suitable to you. Your weight loss may be rather slow in coming, but what is more important than weight loss perhaps is consuming a diet that gives you all the necessary nutrients and maintaining a fit body for a healthy living.
Health, life & Love is a motivational website offering articles on health, life and love. We are dedicated to the happenings of life and how to better anyone's day to day living.
The Herbal Remedy Alternative Healing
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